Chamonix – Bike ‘n Hike (home)

June 6 – 10, 2023

The ride there
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2.5
Day 3
The ride home

Dan and I didn’t have any plans for the ride back to Basel. I considered taking a couple of detours and extending the ride, knowing that Dan probably wouldn’t join me and would instead ride directly home. I decided to play it by ear and see how I felt once we got back into Switzerland.

Another lovely day

Low clouds that threatened rain

We entered Geneva, despite not wanting to. Getting “around” the city can be difficult, with it nestled in amongst the lake, the mountains and the airport. What we didn’t know was that the city was getting ready for a parade and the streets that we were on would be closed in just a matter of hours. Good timing on our part, despite the crawling traffic!

By the time we escaped Geneva, I was ready to just be home. Dan and I took the motorway together through Switzerland, making quick work of crossing the country. At least it is a beautiful place to fly through.

Ah, weekend traffic…

Passing through the last geographic barrier to home: the Jura

Almost home!

We made it home at a reasonable time and had the afternoon to relax and prepare for a return to work the next day. It had been a great chance to meet up with friends that we hadn’t seen for years, pretty much picking up where we left off from our last trip together. That’s the sign of a good friendship, in my books!