Another weekend with our friends. This time we met in Killington, VT and hiked up to the top. Sad to say, I am sorely out of shape and barely made it.
The next morning we hopped into the car and hunted for the Bucklin trail head. The road that we thought would take us there was closed, so we parked as close as possible and extended out trip by a couple of miles.
And we finally reach the trail head…
The guys had left my far behind by now, so I was a little unsure of which path they had taken. This building was a shelter for hikers along the Appalachian Trail
And then I found the correct trail
Not even at the top yet.
I finally made it. As you can see in this picture, there is another way to the top. It turns out that I could have avoided all of that effort and frustration and merely taken the tram up the other side of the mountain.
Radio towers mar the view
Mysterious dead bees
We did not pack light
We ate well
The next day we hit another overlook before heading home. This rock is just north of Killington
Killington ski slopes