European Splendor


  1. John Moyer says:


    I have admired the photo & written accounts of your motorcycle travels in the Pacific NW and also knew about your move to Switzerland. I live in Portland with my wife Ursula, and we are presently in SF on the way to Frankfurt and to Ursula’s home town of Marburg, about 100k north of Frankfurt.
    I have plans to rent a bike for traveling in the Alps & Corsica from Stefan Knopf in Heidelberg for about 2 weeks in early September. I am concerned about how it goes to locate a room while on a bike trip — have you any guidance which would be useful? I have the John Hermann book about cycle trips in the Alps & beyond which mentions some places to stay, so that’s a start, and of course I will ask Stefan what he can tell me.


    John Moyer
    49 6421 44549 in Marburg

    • DantesDame says:

      Hi John! Thanks for writing and I wish you and your wife an enjoyable vacation!

      I don’t know how helpful I will be in recommending places to stay, as most of our trips through the Alps have been day trips, so we just come home to our own beds at the end of the day 🙂 However, I will say that Andermatt is a great place to overnight: charming little town (although growing too rapidly) with a nice selection of hotels and restaurants. And conveniently at the heart of some of Switzerland’s finest roads.

      Because you will be here after the main holiday season (the kids are all back in school now) you shouldn’t have any trouble finding an open room. And unlike Scotland, most villages and towns have some sort of hotel where you can stay, often with an attached restaurant. I suggest planning your day to end near a decent-sized town and then just make your choice from the hotels that are there.

      I’m sure that Stefan will have some very good information for you. I have heard nothing but good things about his services. I wish you a pleasant journey, and if you need that you need anything while in the neighborhood, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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