(2009) 1st Hockey season

Goal-den Girls Hockey Team

May 17, 2009 – My first official hockey game! I joined the NCWHL women’s league (Green/Beginner’s Level) a couple of months ago and I had already missed our first two games. Their third game would be my first. My friend Carolyn had come to the game and is responsible for the ice-side photos – thank you, Carolyn! It’s wonderful to see how I look (I think). The shots of the bike are from a friend of a team member. Thank you, Patrick – it’s nice to have these pictures too.

The KLR, packed and ready to ride home after the game. The stick tucks in nicely behind the rear luggage rack and rests easily on the tool tube up front. A couple of small bungees makes sure that it stays in place. The bag on the back is well-balanced and doesn’t shift. Two Rok straps hold it securely in place without obstructing any lights or signals. It’s a good way to travel.

Getting to the game – stick tucked in along the side of the bike

Bag – sagging but secure. Blade of stick hangs slightly out the back

Custom stencil job on the swing arm

The Green level is split into two teams – Green vs White. We take turns with the colors with “Home” being white. Today I would be “Home”. The red jerseys you see are from subs from the next level up filling in for some Greens. They can play but they can’t score, so there’s no taking advantage of their increased skills. Good thing, too, as some of us Greens have a hard enough time as it is! During this game I played Center, sharing the position with two other women. We switched places whenever we were tired or needed a break, so there was plenty of rotation. Center can be a very demanding position to play, especially after having five weeks off the ice!

Getting ready to sub for Center position (#46)

Looking for the next shot

Here I’m watching a teammate take a fall

Going after the puck

Whoops! Yeah, not sure what happened there…

I need to bend my knees more

Defending the goal

Heading back down the ice

And just for fun, click here for a video Carolyn took of me “in action!”

I have a lot to learn but hopefully by the end of the season (August) I’ll be a little more skilled with the puck as well as staying standing on the skates. Stay turned for more (only available if someone’s there to take pictures, of course!)

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